Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Alchemist

This book by Paolo Coelho had been talked up to such an extent that I had very high expectations for it. Sure it's semi-philosophical about life's journey, paths not taken, etc..., but overall it's kind of simplistic. The message seemed to be "do what you need to do" regardless of the other people you care about and who care about you and if it's gonna work out, it'll work out - if not, it wasn't meant to be. That seems awfully self-centered to me. Not that I believe the individual is unimportant or that one's journey through life can't be synchronistic, but I don't believe that at a certain point your life has passed you by and given you the bird 'cause you weren't ready (or were afraid or whatever) to go for the ride. Yes. That opportunity was missed, but there is always something else waiting for you around life's corners and bends. Will the opportunity be the same? - no. Will the experience be identical? - no. Does that mean that it's bad or that your life is unfulfilled? I don't think so. Different than it might have been, but bad, sad, or pathetic - not unless that's how you want to live it.

Anyway, I would say that if you're looking for something inspirational, go for Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance or The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. If you have to read it, at least it's short & won't take up too much of your time. Not recommended unless it's required (or you want to find out what I'm talking about! ;) ).

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